Meeting November 2015

November 2015


 Meeting Friday 13th November 2015.



  1. Dartnell, S. Watts, M. Wattts, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, C. Collins,
  2. Robertson, K. Walsh, A, Klecha, E. Stevens, T. Briggs, D. Smith, M. Barnes, M. Jay,
  3. Jay, C. Gibbs, D. Gibbs, B. Rollings.



  1. Carter, L. Roast, S. Maloney, J. Record, D. Brown.


Matters Arising:

One plot holder evicted from Rosedale Road, T. Briggs will try to get key back and refund £10.00 deposit.  Signs put up at Rosedale regarding water usage. Gro-organic has been delivered (only 19 left) £6 per bag- see Keith or Clive.


R.R. Report:

Water has been turned off. Welcome to four new plot holders! Thanks to all members who helped/attended the bonfire. Top end garden is being planted/weed suppressed and chipped. Thanks to Tony, Clive and Keith. (If the comfrey still keeps coming through it may have to be weed-killed)

Manure wanted.

Gardeners from the Mosaic homes have been seen tipping their rubbish onto the strip disputed land between their bungalow and the site, causing more pressure on the fence that is already beginning to give way. (An opinion was expressed that this would completely give way within 6 months) Andrew will contact the person in charge of Mosaic regarding this matter also Luke Love should be informed. There is still stale mate regarding the conifers on the disputed land, matter still in the hands of Thurrock and Mosaic solicitors. Dean will contact NSALG for their advice and this is now a matter of health and safety.

A new roof is needed on the small shed at an estimate of £150 (all agreed) There was a leak on the Water Board side of the tap which has been fixed. Four water tanks have been delivered – all spoken for.


Bull Meadow Report:

Some work has been started on the overgrown plots. Locks on the gates need to be sorted out. Notice board has been fixed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Water Bills:  Rosedale Road £726.00    Bull Meadow £169.

We received several donations from members for sheds etc.

Balance £4,597.99

Clive to contact Mark K to ask if we owe him any money for Website.

Agreed to pay a donation to Tyrells Hall of £50 in January.



ATA (Association of Thurrock Allotments) is now defunct. Clive R. is going to write to Allotment Sites in Thurrock to ask if anyone is interested in resurrecting it and taking a position on the Committee. (He will ask ATA for funding for stamps – if they cannot access funds, the cost will come from our kitty.

Tony Briggs has had no luck in obtaining funds for the re-opening of the North End of Bull Meadow as we do not meet the criteria of any of the companies. He will keep trying.

If anyone is interested in attending the meeting of the NSALG in Chelmsford (Four times a year) contact Sheila for more details.

If anyone wants a free IBC tank for their plot (which should help conserve water) Please contact Tony Briggs on 384225 who is the midst of negotiations.

Any orders for Kings Seeds should be given to Jane – 187 Rectory Road by Sun. 15th November.

Free cut your own beanpoles tomorrow (Sunday 15th at Belhus Woods 10-12)

Christmas Cards will be sent by the society to all members.

We will be taking part in the Smiths Charity Sale Sunday 6th December 10a.m. – noon

Any donations of produce/preserves welcome (not potatoes)

All proceeds will go to GOSH and Little Havens (Take them on the day or see Keith)



Please bring 2 questions each (1 horticultural) with answers and some nibbles.


Veggie Talk:

  1. How to get rid of moss and fungus in a lawn
  2. Spread Gro-organic on the lawn.

Plant: Broad beans, garlic, caulis and Winter Density Lettuce seeds for spring lettuce.