February 2016
Meeting 12.02.16.
Present :
J. Record, E. Stevens, S. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson, L. Dartnell, B. Rollings,
- Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, C. Robertson,
C. & D. Gibson, P & M. Jay, L. Roast, K. Walsh.
Matters Arising:
The gate key has been returned by the ex-plot holder. 10 Pyracanthas have been planted top end of Rosedale Road. Thanks to all members who helped with this project. The work party went ahead as planned, thank you to all the members who helped on this day.
E-mails regarding the trees in the Mosaic bungalow grounds have been forwarded to Dean.
Council have not got the funding to cut the trees down in the cemetery.
Society Facebook page is up and running: Rosedale Road & Bull Meadow.
Four metal signs regarding water use still to be ordered – wording to be sorted out.
There is an ATA meeting Tuesday 16.02.16 7.30 at the Hall in Parker Road, Grays. Open to all members.
Rosedale Road Report:
Several projects have been completed i.e. shed roof re-built and new felt. Top garden has had much work done on it, thanks to all involved and to the people who turned out for the work party. Start has been made on the path behind Lorraine’s plot.
Several sheds have been broken into since the last meeting. Not much taken, more damage.
Manure needed. Could all plot holder LOCK THE GATE AT ALL TIMES, especially when working on site. This is for your safety, as a person gained entry while people were on site, and he was a bit of an unknown entity.
Bull Meadow Report:
Holder of plot no. 28 has health a problem, Andrew has offered to spray his plot.
WORK PARTY AT BULL MEADOW SUNDAY 14th FEBRUARY, 10a.m. – noon, all help appreciated. Manure needed.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance: £3968.98 (7 bags of Grow-organic left)
Two filbert trees have been donated by Andrew – thank you. Lorraine thanked members for the work done at the back of her plot. There is the possibility of obtaining a large roll of weed suppressant.
Veggie Talk:
Crimson Crush tomato seeds (blight resistant) are available this year from Suttons Seeds £3.99 for 10 seeds. Blight resistant potatoes are available from Chadwell Allotment Ass. But Andrew could not remember the names of them! Blueberries grow quite well in ericaceous soil in pots. Best not to dig manure in as this encourages slugs. Leave it on the top to work in.
NEXT MEETING FRIDAY 11th March Tyrells Hall 8 p.m.
I am sure all our thoughts are with Keith’s family at this sad time, our condolences to them. We will all miss him.