Meeting April 2016

April 2016


Meeting  8th April 2016.


C.Gibson, D. Gibson, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman,

  1. Stevens, P. Jay, M. Jay, R. Umfreville, A. Wright, C. Robertson, M. Barnes, D. Smith,
  2. Dartnell, K. Walsh, A. Klecha, B. Rollings, P. Rollings, S. Klecha.




Matters Arising:

Water usage signs are up. No news regarding trees (Mosaic Homes) although Dean had some damage caused by a landslide. Andrew will contact them again.


Rosedale Road Report.

A spare lock is to be put somewhere in shelter for emergencies. Magnolia has been planted in memory of Keith (Thanks to Smith’s Nursery). A couple of taps need to be checked as the water has been turned on. 6X is available to purchase still £6 per bag you can get some for friends if you wish.

Some plots are looking neglected (not worked) please be aware that inspections are on-going and you risk eviction. We are aware of several members with health issues.


Bull Meadow Report:

One un-worked plot, Les will contact him for permission to spray plot. Water is on


Treasurer’s Report

Tyrells Hall paid £50.  Balance : £3491.00    (after paying for 6X) Raffle raised £16



A suggestion was made by a member to turn Keith’s plot into a children’s area with swings in memory of him. It was decided by all present that although it was a nice thought, because of insurance and safety issues that it was not practical.

  1. Blackburn will be away for 3 months, his sister will probably be working his plot.

RR & BM Facebook page will be updated with photos by Dean. Thanks Dean.

Clive R thanked Sheila and Clive for running the raffle at the meeting and to all who bought tickets.

AGM Veggie competition: 3 finest and 1 heaviest garlic with roots.


Veggie Talk:

It is time to plant almost everything e.g., beetroot, lettuce, onions, spring onions. You can now purchase deeper square gro-bags. You can register with Blightwatch on line for updates. You should spray for blight before it happens – every 3 weeks. Copper Fungicide by Bayer is a blight spray available from shops.


Next Meeting: Friday 13th May 2016 Tyrells Hall 8 p.m.