Rick Stein TV programme mentioned 1 part full cream milk 7 parts water for spraying against blight.
Rick Stein TV programme mentioned 1 part full cream milk 7 parts water for spraying against blight.
G. Ashurst, K. Fisher, C. Robertson, B. Childs, A. Collins, C. Collins, S. Cheeseman. J. Priest, G. Nicholson, J. Bishop, P. Jay, M. Runeckles, A. Davison, C. Davison, S. Simmons, W. McNicholas, A. Beckett.
M. Barnes, K. Walsh, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, D. Smith, S. Beech. T. Briggs (Tony is in hospital and we all wish him well)
Rosedale Road Report:
All of the water pipes have been replaced (A big well done and thank you to all who helped with this).
The channel which had to be dug will take a while to settle and will sink, if you see this, please take a barrow load of soil from your plot and fill it.
Pallets on spare plot by field to take, also crates in compost bin.
Chadwell Allotment Shop will be open this Sunday 16th 9.30 – 12 noon.
Manure: Alan will contact the lady who supplied the last lorry load.
Andrew will contact Paul regarding sycamore tree and pine tree for a quote.
Gro Organic will be ordered.
Andrew has agreed to remove rubbish from vacated plot, anything that can be used from here will be put on Boscombe end car park for members use. Date for work party to be confirmed at next meeting. Contact Tony Briggs for scaffold boards.
Greenhouse glass available from plot 31.
Bull Meadow Report:
Date to be arranged for work party at the next meeting. There is a new combination lock on gate. Wood chips needed. Contact Andrew if you want any scaffold boards. A storage shed is going to be built from these. Date to be arranged to convert tanks to self – fillers. Les hopes to be at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Raffle raised £12.
Insurance paid £316.85. £800 paid for water pipes/fittings. Balance £4926.79 (Bearing in mind that this includes 11 x £50 refundable deposits) Peppercorn rent to be paid to Council.
Seed sundries ordered from Kings via Jayne should be delivered direct to you.
It was agreed to bring the time of future meetings forward to 7.30.
TASG Meeting : no news on leases as yet.
Quiz Night winners: P. Jay, M & P. Runeckles. Wooden spoon winners: A & C Davison, S & J. Beech.
Outing for this year to be investigated.
Tony Briggs is hoping to order more scaffold boards at one pound each.
Can you let Tony know if you would like some.
His email is
You can also contact him on 01375 384225
He will need the money before they are ordered.
Christmas Quiz winners (Pat Jay, Mandy & Paul Runecckles) and wooden spooners ( Adrian & Cherry Davison, Steve & Jackie Beech).
Thank you to all the five teams that supported this event
Hi All
The Christmas quiz is on 10th December 8pm at top room Tyrells hall club.
Some tables still available, we have six teams so far
Hi all,
Alan and Stuart plus some others will be working on the water supply at Rosedale tomorrow morning (Sat 20th), if anyone can lend a hand it would be appreciated. This is for all our benefit.
The association is hoping to hold a Christmas quiz on Friday 10th December 8pm at the top room Tyrells Hall Club.
It will be free to enter and there will be prizes for the winners and the last place team.
Usually teams of four, with family and friends welcome.
You are welcome to bring nibbles, to go with drinks purchased from the bar downstairs.
This year we are asking you to bring in two horticulture based questions and answers in per attending person.(to be given to the quiz master)
Therefore a team of four will bring in eight questions and answers, a team of three six.
if you cannot get a team together we can match up people to create a team on the night
If you are interested in coming can you please email me with numbers, so we can assess the interest in running it?
Best wishes
Broad Beans and garlic can be planted now, also while it is mild spring cabbage and cauli. If you see clusters of white eggs especially when uncovering ground after winter, destroy them as they will be snails’ eggs.