Meeting June 2014

June 2014


 Meeting 14th June 2013.


  1. Klecha, C. Robertson, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, J. Priest, B. Naish,
  2. Walsh, L. Dartnell, A. Clear, S. Maloney, L. Roast, K. Bacon.

Apologies: D. Smith, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, C. Barker.


Matters Arising:

No reply to the two eviction letter, the plots have now been re-let. Conifers should be cut down at the end of the season. Note: be aware of the dangerous state of fencing panels under conifers.

The fencing around the un-used part of Bull Meadow Allotments has been erected there by mistake! Well done Thurrock Council and the Contractors. Some may have to be removed for health & safety reasons, the rest will probably remain. It should have been put around the old Bull Meadow Nursery site.


Rosedale Road Report:

Chippings will be delivered when Andrew has some spare. Scrap has been taken by our friendly scrap dealer. A re-conditioned lawn mower has been purchased for site. Cost £240.00.  Boscombe end needs weeding.


Bull Meadow Report:

All okay. Whips growing well.


Treasurer’s report:

Balance £3,139.65 (remaining Gro-organic to be sold 6.00 per bag). See Alan or Keith.



BBQ Saturday 22nd June. Flyer e-mail to be sent. Inspections to be carried out this month.

Brogdale Apple Festival outing: Sunday 19th October. Cost is approximately £15.00 (cheaper for children. We have 22 names so far. If anyone is interested, please e-mail Chris so that we can work out exact costing. Money to be paid at the September meeting.

Tea & Cake morning Sunday 10th August 10-1p.m. Need volunteers to cook cakes (let us know please) and any plants/produce to sell that you have spare. NSALG may supply advertising materials.


Veggie Talk:

Comfrey makes an excellent fertilizsr. Put leaves/stalks into a lidded container (preferably with a tap) DO NOT ADD WATER. Leave for 3-4 weeks till it has turned to liquid, then dilute and use on crops. There is plenty at the Boscombe end shrub bed. Please help yourself, you will be doing us a favour.     p.t.o……..

Blight alert has been received, now is the time to spray with Bordeaux Mix or similar. If you get blight on your potatoes, cut of the haulms, the potatoes then can still be eaten..

Rhubarb and asparagus should not be picked after the longest day so that the plants can re-cuperate.