Category Archives: All News

Meeting – November 2021



B. Childs, A. Collins, C. Collins, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, C. Robertson, G. Nicholson, S. Simmonds, J. Priest, A. Klecha, A. Davison, C. Davison.


S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, K. Walsh, L. Dartnell.

Matters Arising:

Request has been made to welcome new members when attending meetings.

Clive and Bob have worked on a plot holder’s IBC (Many thanks) Now that the leaves have fallen, Andrew will get a quote regarding the coppicing of a sycamore and a conifer. Ten- ton lorry load of manure was delivered and was used within 2 weeks’ we are awaiting another delivery. Andrew will take a look at rubbish inherited by tenants of plot 31 in regard to removing it.

Rosedale Road Report:

Stuart and Alan have dug down to see if a pipe can be connected to allow only 1 tap to be turned on during winter for handwashing etc. Unfortunately, the iron pipe is so corroded it would be impossible to connect any other pipe. Stuart will ring the waterboard to ask them to visit the site and give a price for connecting a stop cock on site as a start.

Pallets are on site for anyone to take e.g., for compost bins.

Bull Meadow Report:

Apples have been stolen, and the gate was found to be left open at around midday – PLEASE BE SURE TO LOCK THE GATE AT ALL TIMES – as per your tenancy agreement. Ballcocks to be fitted to tanks to make them self-filling before April. One tenant moving from BM to RR site.

Treasurer’s Report: (Jayne’s first)

Both water bills have been paid: RR £432.05.  –   BM £67.51

All subs have been paid.  Commission earned from Kings Seed order through Jayne £66.61.

Balance : £6,026.56.


Another solar light will be purchased to go on shed above BBQ. Thanks to the people who attended this year’s bonfire night.

Chadwell Allotment site and Orsett Heath site have had break ins recently. Please be aware. Do not leave anything of value in sheds, some people do not lock them to avoid damage to doors.

Trophy presented to Chris Collins Best below ground 2021 (Carrot) and George Nicholson (tomatoes) & Pat Jay(aubergine) joint winners’ best above ground.  Bob Childs also received a trophy to keep (winner best above ground – cauli 2019)

The next meeting FRIDAY DECEMBER 10TH will be a Quiz Night if there is enough interest. Can you please email me if you will be there, so we know if it is worth going ahead.  (Teams of 4, you can bring friends or family) Bring some food

AGM – October 2011



G. Ashurst, K. Fisher, C. Robertson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Bishop, S. Simmons, G. Nicholson, C. Collins, A. Collins, A. Klecha, J. Priest, W. McNicholas, Mrs. McNicholas, S. Beech, Mrs. Beech, S. Carter, S. Klecha, P. Jay, M. Runeckles, E. Stevens, T. Whiberley, P. Williams, J. Williams.


L. Dartnell, K. Walsh, D. Smith

Matters Arising:


Rosedale Road Report:

Site in good order. Ten ton lorry of manure delivered. Last lot of scrap raised £60.30. There is a place at the back of one of the plots where intruders are getting in. Harris fencing will be put in place a.s.a.p.  No vacant plots. One plot holder’s IBC which is not yet fully set up is to be half filled (C.Robertson) If possible cover tanks with dark materials e.g. plastic to stop water turning green.

Bull Meadow report.

All ok. Tanks need to be converted to self- filling by spring. No vacant plots. Woodchip needed, manure on way.

Treasurer’s Report.

Bal: £6,102.63 (This includes £50 returnable deposits for new tenants, and £400 lottery money)

Bull Meadow Water invoice dispute has been resolved, waiting for new invoice for the last 2 years.

1 outstanding plot fee (Sheila will chase up)


8 on waiting list.

Water: This years’ invoice for Rosedale has gone down by 2/3rds, well done to all. No hoses to be used next year. During dry periods it will cost £3 to fill your tank if needed. Water will still be available from troughs. Get IBCs up and running to catch rainwater. Designated taps to be left open for hand washing/kettles.

Election of Committee:

Elaine Stevens (treasurer) will be moving out of the area, thanks for you work over the past 5 years Elaine. Jayne Priest has volunteered to take over.

In the absence of any committee nominations, the existing committee have agreed to carry on for one more year. Our thanks go to the site managers’ and their helpers. Anyone wishing to be involved, see Alan or Les.

Cost per rod:

It was agreed by a show of hand to raise cost per rod in October 2022 by 10p to £3.20 and £2.90 concessions.


Thurrock Allotment Steering Group meet at Belmont Hall. Next meeting 10th December 7 p.m. They are involved with the renewal of allotment leases which are due for renewal in 2022. Members from all 33 allotment sites in Thurrock are invited to be involved. Clive R and Andrew usually attend, but all are welcome. There are two Council run sites in Corringham where rents are £120 per plot. Bonfire Night will be Saturday 6th November, from 5.30. Bring something to cook on the BBQ and some drinks.


Welcome everyone to our 18th self managed Annual General meeting.

Let’s hope this is the beginning of the new normal.

This year has generally been a good growing season, with ample cloudbursts of rain along with just enough sunny days.

Unfortunately, warm and wet means potato and tomato blight, which I know many of you have suffered with.

Although the preventive spray Bordeaux mixture is now unavailable, Martin from Smith’s Garden Centre has advised me that their Vitax’s Copper mixture powder is an adequate substitute.

Our waiting list is proof of the popularity of growing your own for healthy eating, exercise and mental well being.

Please remember if at any stage of your tenancy you are struggling with your plot for whatever reason please contact Chris our secretary or your site manager. Please also be considerate to your fellow plot holders.

Back again in August, we opened up our Rosedale site for the popular NSALG open day. Although there were no homemade cakes, we managed to raise £131 and provide access to the site for visitors to enjoy.

The summer BBQ was also back this year, this time in August instead of June. As usual it was a very enjoyable afternoon with no rain involved! Thank you to everyone who supported these two events.

Next year will be our first year without use of hoses, and I would like to thank Alan, Clive and all others that have installed the new water dipping troughs and IBC’s. Along with regular work they maintain at Rosedale site. Together we can all use water more wisely and help to reduce our growing water bill.

At our Bull Meadow site, thanks again go to Alan Gorringe who has been helping me and Les Dartnell (while he recovers from a knee replacement operation) with site maintenance.

If any member would like to volunteer for any site works’ please contact the Site managers or any committee member.

Appreciative thanks once again go to our secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens who is moving on, hoping to soon start a new life adventure in Frinton, Auditor Craig Gibson, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Seed Secretary Jayne Priest, Mark Kennedy for the website, Dean Smith our social media guru & committee member Clive Cheeseman (who has also been busy again this year transforming the derelict half of the Bull Meadow site with his band of volunteers to a community garden).

Unfortunately, there is no most improved plot award this year.

 So we will move onto the fun side and start the Veg/fruit above & below ground Competition. Good luck to all entrants.

May your plots keep enriching your mind and bodies during the coming seasons.

Happy growing

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)

Meeting – September 2021



C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson, A. Davison , C. Davison, A. Osborn, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, A. Klecha, T. Whiberley, E. Stevens, P. Jay and Mandy, W. McNicholas, A. Gorringe. R. Rivett.


C. Robertson, A. Collins, F. Mulumba, K. Walsh, L. Dartnell, B. Childs

Matters Arising:

Manure needed Boscombe end of Rosedale.

Rosedale Road Report:

Thank you for your co-operation with water usage, this time last year 760 units, this year 244 units estimated water bill £450.

Open day raised £131, thanks to all members for your donations and help on the day, also to the people who delivered the flyers.

The question was asked regarding a skip on site, Andrew said he would be willing to help Geoff and Kevin get rid of all the glass they inherited when they took over the plot. (If anyone does need a pane of glass see Geoff or Kevin. Please do not bring anything to the site that you just want to get rid of from home e.g. armchairs etc. It is only left to someone else to get rid of the items and makes the site look unsightly.

Due to the humid weather there has been a lot of blight, thank you for getting rid of infected vines.

G.Gallone has let us know that she is injured and will not be able to do as much on her plot at the moment. 

A work party will be needed at a later date to work on the tyre wall which has become very overgrown. Date tba.

Buddlea and bindweed at back of plot 7S obstructing construction of guttering on IBC, Bob and Clive have said they will help with this.

The price to have a laburnum and a conifer removed/cut down will be investigated, they are becoming dangerous (trees again!!!)

Water will be turned off 1st October.

Bull Meadow Report:

Les has finally had his knee operation, we wish him a speedy recovery.

Please note that it is the plot holders responsibility to keep the south side path free from weeds, however Alan Gorringe has kindly been doing this so would you please ensure that the path is FREE FROM OBSTACLES.

Water to be turned off October 1st.


12 on the waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

£4,994.63 balance, raffle raised £22 (well done Sheila & Clive)

Rents are coming in slowly, please ensure you return your signed slip at the back of your new tenancy agreement, so that we can give you your new invoice. If payment is not received by the AGM meeting 8th October, late payment will result in a £10 fine.

Bull Meadow water invoice dispute still not resolved.

Elaine will be moving out of the area shortly, we wish her luck and thank her for being our treasurer for the past 5 years. Jane Priest has offered to take on the job.

Water Usage on Site:

See Rosedale Road Report.


If anyone would like to put themselves forward for any of the committee positions, Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary or Committee member, please email Chris by 25th September. Also if anyone would like anything discussed at the AGM please email Chris as nothing other than items listed on the Agenda will be discussed.

IBCs should be set up before winter to catch the seasons rainwater. Put them on slabs and then pallets as otherwise they could rot or sink. S. Carter needs help to put her IBC into position.

We have received a letter from Brian Taylor of the TASG. Their next meeting is Friday 24th September, Belmont Hall, Parker Road at 7 p.m. (There are only 4 meeting per year) It is important that 2-3 members from each of the 26 allotment sites attend, especially as our leases are up for renewal in 2022 and Thurrock Council are looking for every available plot of land to build upon. They have a Facebook page : Thurrock Allotments Steering Group.

Rosedale Road has a web page  and a facebook page: Rosedale Road and Bull Meadow Allotment Association where you will find photos etc.

Thanks to all who attended the BBQ.

Bonfire Date to be confirmed at the AGM. Either Friday 5th or Saturday 6th

It was agreed to have our annual Veggie Competition at the AGM: 1-3 best above and 1-3 best below. Can last years winners please return the cups.

A lady on Facebook was asking if an allotment site would like free manure, I contacted her and hopefully we will have some delivered towards the end of September.


Meeting – June 2021


Present :

C. Robertson, C. Collins, D. Smith, K. Walsh, S. Walsh, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman,  S. Carter, A. Turnbull, E. Stevens, A. Klecha, A. Davison, J. Guerrero, M. Kennedy.


T. Whiberley, A. Collins, L. Roast.

Matters Arising:

Thanks to all members for the reduced use of hosepipes and for only using them sparingly before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. It was agreed to half fill IBCs from hose pipes if requested, see Clive R.  There are 3 spare IBCs available, please see Clive R or Alan. If anyone has any spare wood, pallets etc to help people who cannot put these in place it would be appreciated, also help to do this.

Please keep the south side path of your plot clear of weeds and obstacles e.g. hosepipes and wood etc., for the sake of safety of members. (The path nearest the field)

Rosedale Road Report:

Thanks to Alan and helpers in installing the troughs.

Manure needed. Andrew will chase this up and also look for other suppliers.

Tanks are working well after a few teething problems with hoses. All plots let.

Bull Meadow Report:

Manure on site, no woodchip, as Andrew has now retired, his ex-partner, Paul, will supply us as and when he can, our thanks to him. As there are only single taps on site, work to convert tanks on site will be done after water is turned off October 1st. Possibility of turning 1 tap into a double to enable hand washing. Jon Wakely has kindly agreed to help put up a storage place for tools etc. when he has the time.


13 names on the waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

£4,739.74 balance including approx. £490 left from lottery grant, which will go towards Bull Meadow trough alterations.

Still no water bill for Bull Meadow (going on for 2 years now – what kind of outfit are they running?)

Water Usage on Site:

Troughs seem to be doing their job at Rosedale, thanks to members for helping to reduce water bill.


We are hoping to arrange an open day on Saturday 14th of August, spare produce for the day will be appreciated to raise funds and awareness of the society. (Cakes/tea maybe sold depending on Covid and Boris) 10 a.m – 1 p.m.  Help will be appreciated.

We also hope to hold our summer BBQ on Friday 6th August, 5 p.m. till whenever          

New contracts are being printed for you to sign. Dean will be on site during August to enable you to sign them (dates will be given nearer the time) then invoices for 2021/22 will be sent.

Next Meeting Friday 10th September. To be confirmed where and when and if!